Results 2020
Thank you for supporting us at this time, you can't believe what this support means to all of us at Zsports.
Round 4 - Sunday 20th Dec 2020
Round 3 - Friday 18th Dec 2020
Round 2 - Wednesday 16th Dec 2020
Round 1 - Sunday 13th Dec 2020
Any issues with your result please contact Zsports via email or whatsapp.
Our appreciation to FINISH TIME for assisting us with their extremely efficient manual timing app. Easy to use and gives us so much flexibility to offer our athletes and race officials a great race experience.
Next triathlon event Saturday 9th January - NMB Triathlon Champs - EVERYONE WELCOME.
For the overall standings, all 4 race points will count and to be in contention for the top 3 awards in the age groups, participants would have to have taken part in at least 3 races.
Points are allocated on the finishing position as follows: 50 pts for 1st place, 45 pts for 2nd place, 40 pts for 3rd place, .... 5 pts for 10th place. All finishers after 10th place will be awarded 5 points.
Prize winners will be notified and asked to collect their trophies from the Zsports Office on Monday 21st December, if possible.
Sprint Distance - Overall results
Sprint Distance - Overall Age Group results
Super-Sprint Distance - Overall results
Super-Sprint Distance - Overall Age Group results
In order to qualify to appear on the above lists, participants would have had to complete 3 races. In the case of a tie, the person with the most race times is declared the winner, thereafter it'll be the participant with the fastest race time over the 4 races.
Because of the forced change from Triathlon to Duathlon as a result of the beach closures, we merged the Triathlon and Duathlon times together from Round 1 to create one division (duathlon) for the purposes of Overall results.
The most exciting week of triathlon in South Africa