Sunday 5th May 2024
Welcome to the Home Page of the Zsports managed Nelson Mandela Bay Duathlon Championships website.
We are super proud to once again host these Championships which will be taking place on Sunday 5th May at GRASS ROOF, Lovemore Park ahead of Provincial team selection for the SA Duathlon Champs.
Whilst OPEN TO ALL budding duathletes & triathletes, however only Triathlon South Africa (TSA) registered participants will be considered for team selection and Championship medals.
The Championships will feature:-
Youth Duathlon / Super-Sprint Distance
- Age Group 12yrs +
- Distances : 2.5km Run / 10km Cycle / 1.25km Run
Junior Duathlon / Sprint Distance
- Age Group 16 yrs +
- Distances : 5km Run / 20km Cycle / 2.5km Run
Senior Duathlon / Standard Distance
- Age Group 20 yrs + (5 year intervals)
Distances : 10km Run / 40km Cycle / 5km Run
Top 3 Age Group winners will receive podium recognition on the day.
Whilst ALL ages are welcome, the only recognised podium Age Groups for the above Championship events will be as follows:-
- Youth (12 - 15 yrs)
- Junior (16 - 19yrs)
- Senior (5 year intervals - 20-24yrs, 25-29yrs, 30-34yrs, ... 80yrs and over)
For the Championship, the age of participant is determined by their age as at 31st December in the year of the event.
Also included in the Program will be Duathlon events for the social / non-registered athletes / teams and these events include;
- Super Sprint Distance (12yrs and older) - as per above distances
- Sprint Distance (16 yrs and older) - as per above distances
- Standard Distance (20 yrs +) - as per above distances
- Youth Championships / Super-Sprint Distance
Transition opens 07h00
Race Starts 08h00
Championship Podium Pictures at 09h10 (top 3 Age Group Winners) - Junior Championships / Sprint Distance
Transition opens 07h00
Race Starts 08h10
Championship Podium Pictures at 10h40 (top 3 Age Group Winners) - Senior Championships / Standard Distance
Transition opens 07h00
Race Starts 08h20
Championship Podium Pictures at 12h10 (top 3 Age Group Winners)
There will be Podium Medals for all Championship events and Lucky Draws, if available, ONLY BY IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE. If not present, the allocated prize WILL GO to lucky draws. The hosts and sponsors want the winners in the photographs.
Please note that race costs are becoming increasingly more expensive each season. With this in mind, we also appreciate the need to keep costs as affordable as possible for the athletes but in return ask for your timely support. Please appreciate that almost all of the items required for this event have to be ordered at least 7 days before race day.
With this in mind, we are offering 3 tiers of entry fees this season.
Early Bird Phase
Till Wed 24 Apr (midnight) : - R100 discount on the Entry Fees
Normal Entry Phase
Thu 25 Apr - Wed 1st May : R500 Standard Distance, R400 Sprint Distance, R300 Super-Sprint Distance (plus temporary license fee if doing the social event)
Late Entry Phase
Thu 2nd May - race morning: - extra R200 late entry fee added to normal entry fee
All social events entry fees include a compulsory TSA Temporary Day License.
NO ENTRY REFUNDS will be given but athletes will be able to transfer entries at a nominal R50 admin fee to another athlete BEFORE Friday 3rd May (contact Zsports to arrange your transfer token, allowing enough time for your replacement to register).
If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race.