Marina Mile

Course Maps


Double Mile (start 09h00)

Two laps of the Mile Route (Clockwise Direction) - start from Beach, rounding Green Buoy then around the Marina Island, return and around the Orange Buoy and repeat Marina Island (DON'T have to do green buoy).

Double Mile Route

Half Mile (start 10h30)

Two laps of the swim buoys - start near Finish Buoy - head up to Green Buoy, Right Turn to next Green Buoy, return to Orange Buoy (REPEAT). 

Half Mile

Quarter Mile (start 10h35)

ONE lap of the swim buoys - start near Finish Buoy - head up to Green Buoy, Right Turn to next Green Buoy, return to Orange Buoy and into finish tunnel. 

Quarter Mile

Bank to Bank (start 11h30)

Bank to Bank

Mile (start 12h00. MEN & LADIES seperate start)

One Lap of the Mile Route (Clockwise Direction) - start from Beach, rounding Green Buoy then around the Marina Island, return and around the Orange Buoy and into Finish Area.

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