Marina Mile

Marina Mile

Come join us for a Festival of swimming at one of South Africa's premier open water swimming venues - Marina Martinique in Jeffreys Bay

Join us on the 30th December each year for the following events:

From 08h00 Registration opens  late entrants to use the FINISHTIME PASSPORT Mobile phone app to register  
08h50 Call to start line for Double Mile  
09h00 DOUBLE MILE (two laps) Min age 12yrs
10h20 Call to start line for Half Mile Race  
10h30 HALF MILE (approx 800m) No age restriction 
10h32 Call to start line for Quarter Mile Race
10h35 QUARTER MILE (approx 400m) No age restriction
11h15 Call to start line for Bank-to-Bank Race
11h30 BANK-BANK 6u (Boys & Girls) Entrant's can't swim in any other races 
11h32 BANK-BANK 8u (Boys & Girls) Entrant's can't swim in any other races
11h34 BANK-BANK 10u (Boys & Girls) Entrant's can't swim in any other races
11h50 Call to start line for Marina Mile Men  
12h01 Call to start line for Marina Mile Ladies  

Any prizes and/or finishers gifts available for the event will be issued on the day and will not be available for those who don't stay for prize giving. Any companies wishing to donate lucky draw hampers, vouchers or prizes are encouraged to contact

Mon 30th December 2024

The Marina Mile has become one of the bigger open water swim events in South Africa, resurrected in 2002 when Yvonne Lentinello and Brenton Williams held the event which was won by Port Elizabeth swimmer David Glover.

Eastern Cape swimmers have dominated the Mile ever since with Matthew van Der Burg, Philip Kuhn, Byron Lockett, David Marais, Michael Marais and Chris Van Der Sande all having won the event.

Two women have dominated the Marina Mile in the past, with National swimmers Velia Janse Van Rensburg and Jessica Roux both being multiple winners at Marina Martinique.

Marina Martinique is a perfect open water swim venue due to the protected canals and pollution free salt water canals.

Join us in Jeffreys Bay on the penultimate day of the year.

Event Time Normal Entry On the Day
Mile Swim 12h00 R300.00 R400.00
Double Mile Swim 09h00 R300.00 R400.00
Half-Mile Swim 10h30 R200.00 R300.00
Quarter-Mile Swim 10h35 R150.00 R200.00
Kids Bank-Bank Swim 11h30 R100.00 R200.00


Online registration is encouraged, however space permitting, entry on the day will be accepted at an additional R100 late entry fee. Race Day late entries will be paperless and MUST BE DONE using the FinishTime Passport App.  

Swimmers who aren't in speedo style costumes will have a delayed time handicap start based on 2 minute / Mile. Prizes, if any, are based on overall results as per the finish order of the races. Where possible top 3 and age group prizes may be available.


 Refund Policy

When entering, you accept that all entry fees are non-refundable - you are making a non-refundable purchasing decision and must agree to this policy. You may not give or sell your number to another individual outside of the authorized transfer policy and process - if you do, this will result in disqualification and banishment from this event. This policy stays in effect whether you are injured, have an unexpected business or family emergency, illness, pregnancy, etc. There are NO exceptions. Once you register, unrecoverable race course services and items are paid for for you as if you will be attending the event.

We reserve the right to postpone or cancel the event due to events out of our control such as a natural disaster or emergency. No refunds will be issued under these circumstances. We may also alter the courses and distances at any time if required due to course blockages or other restrictions or impediments. There will be no fee refunds for a postponed or canceled event. 



Support Sponsor aQuellé ViV