The Swim Series

Event Information

Open Water Swimming

Zsports encourage all young children to get involved in swimming as an activity as it is not only great for fitness but also a great character builder. Health and fitness are key to a good lifestyle.

Open water swimming is a challenge, so we applaud everyone, especially the children, who want to get involved. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Check out for information on the open water selection criteria for provincial and national teams.

The Peanut Butter GO! Swim Series Entry Fees (2022/23)

Race Entry Fee - R240 (10km, 7.5km or 5km) increases to R300 late entry in race week
Race Entry Fee - R180 (3km) increases to R220 late entry in race week
Race Entry Fee - R150 (1.5km, 750m) increases to R200 late entry in race week

An additional R40 late entry fee will apply from Race Week Wednesday through to entries at the event. Online credit card payment registrations close at 12 midnight on the Friday before race weekend, the EFT payments option will close at Midnight on the Wednesday before race day. 

If the course allows, swimmers are permitted to register to have times recorded for all official distances within the swim (ie receive a 5km or 7.5km time whilst swimming a 10km race, receive a 3km time when swimming a 5km race - when course lap distances permit such). The following rules apply for such recording to take place:-
(1) no additional charge will apply
(2) swimmers must indicate at the registration desk (PRIOR TO THE SWIM) if they want additional times recorded
(3) the distance for which the swimmer has registered and paid MUST be completed in order to qualify for the shorted distance time.

PLEASE NOTE: You are required to register for EACH RACE DAY separately. No late entries accepted.

For safety reasons, the wearing of swim caps is compulsory for all events - swimmers to bring their own swim caps.

**Any refund coupons issued will be valid for a maximum of 1 year from date of issue. 

Safety comes FIRST

Whilst we encourage the use of the swimbuoy for all open water swimming, it is now mandatory that ALL swimmers 10 years and UNDER are required to swim with a SWIM BUOY at this Series. There are numerous resellers of such items around the country 0and Zsports also have in stock (click here to purchase from us)

Zsports Swimbuoy water float safe swimmer


The Peanut Butter GO! Swim Series - What do I need?

Once registered, come down on Race Day and report for entry at least 30 minutes before your event.
Swimmers are to provide their own swim caps and wearing of such is compulsory.
Any swimmer starting without a swim cap will be disqualified. 
Wetsuits are permitted, but no official SSA times will be awarded to swimmers wearing non-FINA approved suits if the water temperature is above 18 degrees.
Registered swimmers are to ensure their club completes the Meet Events File to get your times submitted to SSA.

Medals & Prizes

Medals & prizes (if available) will be issued as indicated in the prize template

Out of Town Swimmers

ANY swimmer registered with a club, that is registered within a District of the Eastern Cape, CAN SWIM IN ANY GALA OR SWIMMING EVENT within the EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE without a clearance being needed from the club or District PDO.

All other swimmers will require a clearance certificate and the submission of the Meet Events File to the NMBA PDO.

Naming Sponsor
Peanut Butter GO! WhatsApp Chat
Support Partners aQuellé (blue) Solace Suncare


Sanctioned By Nelson Mandela Bay Aquatics Swimming SA